Holiday | EcoHomeStay | Destinations
Holiday : B&B, EcoHomeStay, Hotels, Resorts – all holiday and accommodation destinations are welcome to use the EcoProperty Programs.
EcoHomeStay : You may have accommodation on your farm, home or lifestyle property to offer for people who want to consider moving to your BioRegion, or who want to consider farming or city living. You can decide what you want to offer so that people know what they will have available to them during the stay. Some people like to offer advice, tours. Others only want to offer the accommodation. It’s up to you. People will contact you directly.
Manage your listings yourself – you can have as many as you want. Once you have an EcoProperty Account you can make changes to your property, or add in further properties or services anytime.
Start right now by setting up your Account. Once you receive confirmation details of your account you can get underway listing as many properties as you want.
If you want EcoProperty to assist you submit your property and EcoProperty will contact you about how to proceed from there.
There are lots of additional services that you may want to consider for your property. Request the EcoProperty Programs brochure here and you can review all that you may want or need off line at your leisure.
If you prefer, an EcoProperty Specialist will advise you about what you need or meet your goals for your property – this is free advice – email here or phone (61) 0409 528 692.
If you wish to read this website in another language please use translate this site at the bottom of the page. Your listings can be anywhere in the world.